Research stays at HVL for students from Sri Lanka and India

Six students have arrived at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) from Sri Lanka and India for six-month research stays funded by the “student mobility program” of NORPART and UTFORSK respectively. The first batch of students arrived in November 2020 and the second batch in January 2021.One of these visiting scholars has completed his PhD and is a visiting researcher, two are PhD students and three nearing completion of their Masters. While some have previously visited HVL for research, for two students this visit is their very first overseas experience.

During their stay the students will get to work with different sophisticated instruments and equipment gaining practical experience on their use in different fields related to clean energy applications such as emerging solar cell technologies, hydrogen and energy storage.



“I extend my sincere gratitude to HVL for not only the opportunity given to us but also to the extra care and efforts extended during our travel and arrival to Bergen with the prevailing pandemic situation.

The laboratory at HVL gives me great confidence to test my research skills. The beautiful Bergen with cold weather is a totally new experience for me. I am confident that this research stay will not only enlighten my academic career but will also provide me with many life experiences”.

Asaithambi Sankaiya – Alagappa University, India.



“Like many Indian students, it is a dream come true for me to come and work in a university in a European country. It has given me a new platform to work and develop my novel ideas.

Apart from my research work, life’s new experience from living in a new environment, meeting new people from different backgrounds and culture has been profound. I thank HVL for giving me this great opportunity”.

Isacfranklin Melkiyur- Alagappa University, India


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