Research Days 2021- Forskningsdagene 2021

‘Research Days 2021’ in Bergen was celebrated from 22nd September to 3rd October 2021 starting with school visits on 22-24 September 2021. This year the researchers from different universities in Bergen visited schools. The ANCEHA researchers based at HVL, Bergen visited Rå Skole and Apeltun Skole, Bergen on 22nd and 24th September 2021 and demonstrated emerging solutions on energy production and energy storage based on their research findings. The demonstration was titled “How should we solve energy crisis?”

On 01 October 2021, the Researcher Grand Prix was held where 10 researchers were given four minutes to pitch their research in front of 200 guests before three were voted through to the final. Håkon Eidsvåg, PhD research fellow at HVL and from the ANCEHA research group participated in this Prix and pitched his research. His research focuses on green hydrogen production which can be used as fuel in cars, ships, buses, planes or replace oil, gas and coal in industry. This method involves using materials which when immersed in water creates hydrogen by using the incoming solar light to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.

Photo credit: Øyvind Ganesh Eknes

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