Minister for Research and Higher education in Norway, Hon. Ole Borten Moe and the deputy minister Mr. Oddmund L.Hoel visiting our lab

1 year ago

We are elated to have Norway's Research and Higher Education Minister Hon. Ola Borten Moe and deputy minister Oddmund L.…

Breakfast meeting: Global climate change – threats, challenges and opportunities

2 years ago

Great day! We, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) had immense pleasure to have our former Prime Minister Erna…

Klimafestivalen Varmere Våtere Villere (Breakfast meeting: Global climate change – threats, challenges, and opportunities)

2 years ago

Dhayalan Velauthapillai, professor of physics, Western Norway University of applied sciences will participate in a conversation with an emphasis on…

Research demonstration at Varmere Våtere Villere for High School student

2 years ago

Students from Anceha research group demonstrated their ongoing research activities on materials and technologies for hydrogen production through water splitting,…

Could the answer to new clean energy solutions lie in front of us?

2 years ago

Recently an article appeared on the website. The article highlighted the ongoing research activities carried out by Professor Dhayalan Velauthapillai and…

HVL’s Research and Development (R&D) Award for 2022 – Prof. Dhayalan Velauthapillai

2 years ago

The R&D award aims to stimulate further development of the quality of research, increase the acquisition of external funding and international…

An article appeared in the popular norwegian technical magazine Teknisk Ukeblad on our Hydrogen related research activities

2 years ago

We, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) are proud to be part of the FME research center for Hydrogen,…

Prof. Dhayalan Velauthapillai got the 7th place on the top 10 list of researchers who published the most in 2021

2 years ago

Prof. Dhayalan Velauthapillai is listed seventh in the Forskerforum indicator report. His research focuses on nanomaterials for new types of…

NORPART seminar 2022

2 years ago

A two-day NORPART project seminar was organized by the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills at the Olso Metropolitan…

 Forskningsdagene i Bergen 2022

2 years ago

Forskningsdagene i Bergen (Research Days 2022) is an annual collaboration between educational institutions and the city’s research centres to create enthusiasm…