Dr. N. Rajamanickam, Gandhigram Rural University, India had been worked as a visiting researcher at Department of Physics, University of Jaffna from 05 February 2018 to 04 March 2018 under Higher Education and Research collaboration on Nanomaterials for Clean Energy Technologies project (HRNCET). He worked on materials development towards Nanostructured titanium dioxide based dye sensitized solar cells as well as methylammonium lead iodide based perovskite solar cells. Based on the research conducted here, he achieved new ideas about the doping effect in different materials. During his stay, he trained a few final year physics hours student and a MPhil student for fabricating solar cells and is planning to co-author a paper. He has a plan to continue the collaboration and make future visit to the department. On the request made by the Physics Society of our university, he made an excellent presentation titled Effect of doping on Binary Oxide Nanomaterials. Faculty staff, final year Physics and Chemistry student attended his presentation.
Brief profile of speaker
Dr. N. Rajamanickam obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Physics from the Alagappa University, India and his masters and PhD from the Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, India. Now, he is working as SERB – National Postdoctoral Fellow at Gandhigram Rural University, Dindigul, India sponsored by Department of Science, Ministry of Science and Technology India. In 2014, he has selected as a Bhaskara Advanced Solar energy fellowship from IUSSTF, USA and visited center for renewable energy research center, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA for 6 month. He has published over 18 papers in scientific reputed international journals, 9 AIP proceedings and 1 book chapter. He has also presented more than 36 oral and posters at international and national conferences.
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