Varmere, Våtere, Villere – Climate Festival in Norway

The Norwegian climate festival Varmere, Våtere, Villere took place in Bergen from 9 – 11 March 2022. This climate festival was an arena for students, researchers, business leaders, politicians, and entrepreneurs to meet, discuss, share, debate and engage in knowledge, opinions, challenges and ideas related to climate crisis. The event featured presentations, debates, podcasts, discussions, exhibitions and concerts on topics related to global issues and also the everyday actions needed to combat climate crisis.
The technology grand prix highlighting future technological breakthroughs took place on 10 March 2022 at the Cultural House in Bergen. A number of researchers presented diverse technologies as possible future alternative options for dealing with climate changes. Dhayalan Velauthapillai, Professor – HVL, Hans Kleivdal, Executive Vice President – NORCE, and Fride Vullum-Bruer –Researcher, SINTEF introduced different technologies followed by a discussion around those technologies facilitated by Hilde Holdhus, Partner-Sarsia Seeds.


On 11 March 2022, Professor Dhayalan Velauthapillai also presented a talk on the myths and facts about the otential of solar energy. Also, on this day the students of the ANCEHA research group displayed their experimental works on emerging solar cells, hydrogen production through water splitting, and energy storage devices and explained their works to the visitors and guests. Nanthini Nagarajah of the ANCEHA presented a résumé on her research work highlighting the relevance of the so far underappreciated diaspora informal networks for sustainability transitions, in particular their relevance for developing countries.


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